

The Pancreas is a gland. It produces Hormones and Digestive juices.  Hormones: Glucagon, Insulin, Pancreatic Polypeptide and Somatostatin.  Digestive juices: Pancreatic juice.

First, it extracts energy from food.  It permits the entry of sugar into the body cells. When it malfunctions, digestion becomes sluggish and the sugar meant for the cells remains in the Blood stream. This excess sugar in the blood is either stored in the Liver or filtered by the Kidneys.  So, anything going wrong with the Pancreas, even a minor kink, will throw the entire system off track.  Affecting, first the Liver, then Kidney, Heart and finally the Brain.

Punarnava :  The very name when translated into English means rejuvination. Punarnava affects most of the organs. Punarnava lowers blood sugar. The herb is a diuretic. It prevents formation of kidney stones and gravel. When kidney function deteriorates it will re juvinate the kidnsys. It lowers creatinine. It optimises the liver functions. Therefore we should start taking Punarnava during the care of the Pancreas and contune its use right through all the organs.

Gymnema Sylvertre ( Gurmar )  :  It restores the functioning of Pancreas. Controls the level of sugar in the blood.  The Herb is a magic wand for Diabetics.  Take 10 drops of the mother tincture before every major meal.  Keep a note of your sugar levels. Try this for 7 days. If the Herb suits you, continue this for a month.

Land Caltrops ( Gokharu ) :  It revitalizes beta cells which help pancreas to produce Insulin. Gokharu rejuvenates and promotes an over all health of Pancreas. Try this herb for a week, if it suits you, continue for a month., otherwise – STOP.

Korean Ginseng  :  This Herb reduces the chances of  Pancreatic Cancer.  Make a powder of Korean Ginseng roots. Boil one pinch of this powder in a glass of water. drink it thrice a week. If it suits you, continue for a month. It is an adaptogen. It will optimize the functioning of the entire body. If it does not suit you, STOP.

For more information on diseases caused by malfunctioning Pancreas, click on Pancreatitis

In the event of a malfunction of the Pancreas, excess sugar is released into the Blood stream. Poor Liver!! It has to overwork. This over exertion may lead to Liver Disorders. Logically, we should take care of the Liver next. But, Kidneys being the more important organ seem to be the organ of choice that must be taken care of before the Liver.

Another reason for treating the kidneys before the Liver is the fact that as the kidneys improve, they automatically help the Liver to function better.  Besides, some herbs are common for all the organs mentioned on this page.

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