In the course of a day, you may step into over a dozen pathogens (germs that can cause diseases). Those potential pathogens can stick to the bottom of your shoes.
When you get home, you bring those potential diseases in with you. and if you walk around the house with your shoes on, you’re likely spreading those pathogens around the house.
Imagine when you walk around the house barefoot! Or your family! Or what about if someone drops something on the floor that they think is clean, and eat from the floor that everyone has walked on with their outside shoes.
In some cultures, it is required to leave your shoes at the door to prevent evil spirits (germs/pathogens) from entering the house.
This is why it is a good idea to leave your shoes at the door.
Leaving your shoes at the door can have many health benefits, including:
- Reducing exposure to germs: Shoes can carry a variety of germs, including bacteria that can cause diarrhea, meningitis, and pneumonia. Some of these germs are resistant to household cleaning products.
- Reducing exposure to chemicals: Shoes can pick up chemical toxins from tar-sealed pavement, chemical-treated grass, and lead-based paint.
- Reducing exposure to allergens: Shoes can carry mold, pollen, and other allergens from outdoor activities.
- Reducing exposure to lead: The EPA recommends that people leave their shoes at the door to reduce exposure to lead, especially for children.
- Preserving flooring: Shoes can damage flooring, especially hardwood, vinyl, and ceramic.
- Improving comfort: Removing shoes can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed at home.