Malignant Neoplasm (Cancer) is a disease of the Cells. The rapid, uncontrolled multiplication of the abnormal cells in the body is called Cancer. The Cell is the basic constituent of any living organism. Cells contain nucleus and cytoplasm. When the nucleus size expands, it divides itself. Sometimes the growth of cells become uncontrolled which results in Infectious tumor or a lump. This is called Malignant Neoplasm (Cancer) .
The Cell is the basic constituent of any living organism. Cells contain nucleus and cytoplasm. When the nucleus size expands, it divides itself. But sometimes the growth of cells become uncontrolled which results in Infectious Tumor or a Lump. This is called Cancer.
The size remaining same, the cells may multiply at an exaggerated rate. This also is called cancer. The cells grow into a tumor and starve the nearby healthy cells of nutrients. When the anabolic activity in our body exceeds the catabolic activity, it leads to cancer.
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