Parasite Bitter is anti-microbial, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic tonic. Use Parasite Bitter to support the body’s natural parasite cleanse efforts and help alleviate intestinal discomfort associated with unwanted organisms.
This formula includes fenugreek, mugwort, mistletoe, pericón, damiana, chaparral, wormwood, uva ursi, dandelion root, and red clover. This blend is used to support the removal of unwanted organisms from the gut.
By stimulating the liver and increasing bile production, this herbal bitter can help to improve visceral organ function and detoxification. Blood sugar regulation, and the removal of parasitic eggs, larve, and adult worms.
- Restore your digestive tract, easing discomfort and promoting regularity.
- Reduce abdominal anxiety and stress, promoting peaceful sleep and improved well-being.
- Increase energy post detoxification.
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