Hemp Seed (Marijuana) is a plant. It is called Bhaang in India. It belongs to the Cannabaceae family. It is perennial and grows in a temperate climate.
Different varieties of Marijuana
The three main varieties of Marijuana are, Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis . These varieties have different chemical compositions and consequently have different effect on the body and or the brain.
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Sativa is the most common and the oldest varieties of Marijuana.
It’s plant is thin and may grow up to 6.5-19.6 feet (2-6 meters).
The leaves are thin, long and light green in color.
Sativa is relatively slow to flower.
It grows in Colombia, Mexico, Thailand, Southern India, Nigeria, Jamaica and Southeast Asia.
Cannabis sativa strain provides an energetic, uplifting, and cerebral high effect best suited for daytime smoking.
It is useful to treat Diabetic Neuropathy.
It is useful in up-lifting and cerebral thoughts.
It imparts a feeling of well-being and at-ease.
It has a stimulating and energizing effect on the body.
It fights Depression.
It also fights Anxiety.
It increases focus and creativity.
Cannabis sativa has been found to lower raised blood pressure and bring it to normal levels with regular use. Thus, caution is suggested in people who suffer from blood pressure disorders (hypertension) or those consuming medicines or herbs and supplements that lower blood pressure. An ideal supplement for those attempting transcendental meditation.
Cannabis Indica
This plant is believed to have originated in the mountainous areas northwest of the Himalayas.
The plant is short and grows up to 3.2-9.8 feet (1-3 meters).
The leaves are dense, thick and wide.
Cannabis indica variety tends to have a strong sour or sweet odour to the taste buds.
It grows mostly in Nepal, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India and Morocco.
Effects of Cannabis Indica strains are predominantly physical and sedative.
It is an ideal remedy for body pain and muscle pain.
It helps in treating stress or anxiety.
It combats migraine and headache.
It is useful in treating sleep disorders.
It relaxes the muscles and relieves from spasms and seizures.
It is helpful in improving the Appetite and curing the problems like Nausea and Vomiting.
People with AIDS, Cancer or undergoing chemotherapy may take it in day time as well.
Both types of Marijuana ( Sativa and Indica ) fight Cancer. Want to be creative, euphoric or pray, take Cannabis Sativa in the morning. Want to sleep or be lethargic, take Cannabis Indica in the evening or at night.
Cannabis Ruderalis
Cannabis Ruderalis that is least known variety of Marijuana.
It grows upto 11.8-23.6 inches (30-60 centimeters) in height.
It has an extremely fast flowering cycle.
It is primarily used as a source of genetic material by breeders and cultivators.
Apart from these three strains, Cannabis Hybrid is also available. In which, Sativa genes when combined with an Indica strain can help in reducing sedative effects, while when Indica is combined with Sativa strains can decrease the tendency of Sativa to rarely stimulate anxiety.
Ingredients of Marijuana
The most active ingredients of Marijuana are Cannabinoids .
Types of Cannabinoids
There are about 70 to 85 types of Cannabinoids found in a Cannabis plant. But the most common are the following 4 types-
Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid ( THCA ):
It is found in undried and fresh Cannabis.
It does not possess psychoactive ( affecting Mind or Mental processes) effects.
THC is in acidic form which we call THCA.
When heated, THCA speedily gets converted to active THC, process is called Decarboxylation.
Decarboxylation enhances the effects of Marijuana.
It has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC ):
THC is the most beneficial psychoactive Cannabinoid.
Anti Cancer
It magnifies sensory functions such as hearing or vision.
Sensitivity to sound and colors.
Causes increased sexual arousal
Provides an intense sense of Euphoria
Provides relaxation
Regulates the mood
Energizes the whole being
Medicinal Uses
Helps in the treatment of Nausea and Vomiting.
Relieves Pain
Relieves Stress
Protects the damage of nerve
Reduces anxiety
Relief from Spasms
Increases Appetite
Cures inflammation
Helps in the growth of a new tissue
Prevents spreading of different types of Cancers :
Lung Cancer
Brain Cancer
Cannabidiol ( CBD ):
It is the most important non-psychoactive Cannabinoid.
This non psycho activity of CBD-rich Cannabis makes it an attractive option for patients looking cures for anxiety, pain without causing much of euphoria or lethargy.
CBD is a Compound known to alter brain functions and thus, perception, mood and awareness.
It inhibits the growth of Cancer cells.
It is the most potent Cannabinoid to hinder the growth of Cancer cells, specially Breast Cancer.
Anti tumor
Anti anxiety
CBD can relieve the symptoms of Nausea
Treats Psychosis
Prevents diseases like: Arthritis , Diabetes and different types of Cancer
Multiple Sclerosis
Cures Cancer and tumor growth :
Colon Cancer
Breast Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Malignant Tumors
Cannabinol ( CBN ):
It is the byproduct of the chemical breakdown of THC. CBN lacks psychoactive and medicinal qualities of THC. When Cannabis is stored for a long duration, it ages.
With the aging, the amount of CBN increases as THC decreases.
Overheating of a Cannabis plant converts THC ( activated or converted from THCA ) into CBN.
Thus, while doing decarboxylation, temperature needs to be taken care of, else THC will breakdown
Mildly Psychoactive
Provides relief from Pain
Reduces inflammation
Fights down the free radicals in the bloodstream
Relieves Tension
Cures Headache
How do Cannabinoids work?
When we consume Cannabis, Cannabinoids affect us, by interacting or communicating with the 2 receptors, CB1 and CB2.
The Cannabinoids bind to the receptor sites, thus, showing different effects depending on the receptor they stick to.
Cannabinoids are known to activate the receptors. E.g. : THC activates CB1 receptor. CBN binds to the CB2 receptor.
Receptors ( CB1 and CB2 ) : Till date, two kinds of Cannabinoid receptors have been found. i.e. CB1- located throughout the Brain and CB2 found in the Immune system
Psychoactive: It is an action which deals mind, cognition power, mood and perception. This action is important to cure stress, mood swings and depression.
THCA: It is a chemical compound found in the raw and fresh Cannabis plant. It has non- psychoactive action.
THC: Psychoactive compound, affecting mind and mental processes. It is present in dormant state, so to activate THC , Cannabis plant has to be heated. THC has strong anti- Cancer effects. Cures- Lung Cancer, Brain Cancer, etc.
CBD: It is Non psychoactive compound. Used to cure Cancers. And have strong Anti Cancer and Anti tumor Actions.
CBN: It is the end product of THC. Usually found in small quantities in the plant. It has mild psychoactive action. Usually found in aged Marijuana.
Marijuana Seed : Huo Ma Ren
Marijuana Seed : Ma Zi Ren
Meridians associated : Spleen, Stomach and Large Intestine.
Methods to take Marijuana
The main compounds of Marijuana are THCA, CBD and CBN. The effects of these compounds depend on how they are taken into the body.
Oral Intake : Marijuana taken orally is processed by the Liver. The absorption of compounds is slow and poor. It may take anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours for compounds to produce their effects. Most important: The blood brain barrier will not allow any part of the herb to pass through to the brain. It is practically useless.
Smoke : It is one of the oldest forms of ingesting Marijuana. Dried Marijuana leaves are burnt and smoked in the form of a cigarette. The compounds directly enter the Lungs and start working immediately.
Vaporization: It is the process of heating the Herb up to the point of vaporization. The process adopted may be either Convection or Conduction.
Convection: Hot air is used for heating the Herb. Hot air is blown through the Herb to make it hot.
Conduction: Heating the herb by placing it in contact with a container which is heated by conduction.
Tincture: The use of alcohol to draw out the ingredients of the Herb. It is one of the quickest methods of Ingestion. A tincture gets directly into the bloodstream. Take a few drops of Marijuana tincture directly under the tongue.
Oil : Marijuana Oil is prepared from dried Marijuana plant. The Oil can be taken directly under the tongue or applied topically on the Skin.
Method to prepare Marijuana Oil
Take some dried Cannabis plant. Put it in a bucket. Dampen it using a solvent like Naphtha, Ether or 99% Isopropyl alcohol. Crush the plant and completely dissolve in the solvent. Stir for 3 to 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into another bucket. Add some more solvent. Stir for another 5 to 10 minutes. Filter the material and pour the mixture into a container. Take a rice cooker. Fill it ¾ with the mixture. Turn on the heat. The fumes from the mixture are extremely flammable. Use a fan to blow away the solvent fumes. As the mixture evaporates keep adding the mixture into the rice cooker. Add 10 drops of water into the mixture. Pick the container when the mixture is reduced to one inch. Swirl. As the mixture stops boiling place it again on the rice cooker on low heat. Do not let the heat cross over 140° C or 290° F. Let the water and volatile terpenes evaporate on low heat. When there is no activity and the mixture appears like thick grease the Oil is ready for use. You can collect the Oil into a syringe for easy dispensing of the Oil.
Note : The Oil extracted from the seeds of Marijuana is called Hemp Seed Oil
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